Week of February 19
The New Testament Priesthood
This week, we’ll continue our fellowship about the New Testament priesthood. So far, we’ve seen that the New Covenant has an eternal High Priest, Christ, who is also the guarantor and mediator of this covenant. Since He is eternal, He is always living to intercede for us! And, since He has loved us and freed us from our sins by His own blood, He’s made us a kingdom, priests of His God! We all are priests! Like the priests in the Old Testament, we too can be clothed with glory and beauty by putting on Christ. Today, as we serve God in spirit, people can see something glorious in us individually, and in the church corporately!
As we read and fellowship over this week’s outline together and individually, be prepared to share what stands out to you with others, realizing that our life is a life that is before God and cares for others. Encourage us all by sharing your inspiration on the Lord’s Day or as a comment below, or both!