Upcoming events

College Retreat
to Mar 30

College Retreat

  • Ashland Woods Fellowship Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We believe that this will be a time of strengthening, encouraging, and refreshing, and an opportunity for the college-aged saints to receive speaking from the Lord through His Word.

Click picture for more details.

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Gospel Dinner

Gospel Dinner

Come join us for dinner at 6pm and to hear a word from the Bible!

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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Gospel Dinner

Gospel Dinner

Come join us for dinner at 6pm and to hear a word from the Bible; specifically on what the gospel is and how rich and full it is!

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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College Serving Ones’ Training
to Jun 15

College Serving Ones’ Training

  • Ashland Woods Fellowship Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A one-week college training to deeply explore the Word and to be inspired and enlarged by a greater and clearer view of God’s purpose and of our spiritual journey with Christ.

Click picture for more details.

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Gospel Dinner

Gospel Dinner

Come join us for dinner at 6pm and to hear a word from the Bible!

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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July 4 Picnic

July 4 Picnic

Come join us for an outdoor picnic at 12:30pm for food and fellowship around our Lord Jesus Christ! The church will supply the meats and grills for grilling. Bring your favorite summer picnic side dish and desserts.

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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Gospel Dinner

Gospel Dinner

Come join us for dinner at 6pm and to hear a word from the Bible!

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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Gospel Dinner

Gospel Dinner

Come join us for dinner at 6pm and to hear a word from the Bible!

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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Gospel Dinner

Gospel Dinner

Come join us for dinner at 6pm and to hear a word from the Bible; specifically on what the gospel is and how rich and full it is!

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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Winter Conference
to Jan 4

Winter Conference

Our prayer is that this time will help participants take another step with the Lord, and to be inspired and enlarged by a greater and clearer view of God's purpose!

Click picture for more details.

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Gospel Dinner

Gospel Dinner

Come join us for dinner at 6pm and to hear a word from the Bible!

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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Fall College Retreat
to Nov 3

Fall College Retreat

We believe that this will be a time of strengthening, encouraging, and refreshing, and an opportunity for the college-aged saints to receive speaking from the Lord through His Word.

Click picture for more details.

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Gospel Dinner

Gospel Dinner

Come join us for dinner at 6pm and to hear a word from the Bible; specifically on what the gospel is and how rich and full it is!

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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Work Day

Work Day

Work Day at the church building! What a practical way to serve the Lord and enjoy Him with others!

Click picture for more details

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Ashland Woods Family Weekend 2024
to Sep 29

Ashland Woods Family Weekend 2024

  • Ashland Woods Fellowship Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for a weekend of fellowship along with activities for both children and adults in a beautiful private setting. The retreat will take place at the Ashland Woods Fellowship Center.

Click picture for more details.

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Gospel Dinner

Gospel Dinner

Come join us for dinner at 6pm and to hear a word from the Bible!

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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Work Day

Work Day

Work Day at the church building! What a practical way to serve the Lord and enjoy Him with others!

Click picture for more details

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Labor Day Weekend Conference
to Sep 2

Labor Day Weekend Conference

Join us over the Labor Day weekend to enjoy rich ministry with other churches in the Great Lakes area! This conference will be on Joshua, a servant of God who caused others to possess the good land.

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Work Day

Work Day

Work Day at the church building! What a practical way to serve the Lord and enjoy Him with others!

Click picture for more details

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College Training
to Aug 10

College Training

  • Ashland Woods Fellowship Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A one-week college training to deeply explore the Word and to be inspired and enlarged by a greater and clearer view of God’s purpose and of our spiritual journey with Christ.

Click picture for more details.

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High School Camp
to Jul 28

High School Camp

  • Ashland Woods Fellowship Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The High School Camp is an in-person young people’s conference for incoming 9th graders through graduating seniors.

Click on image for more details.

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Gospel Dinner

Gospel Dinner

Come join us for dinner at 6pm and to hear a word from the Bible; specifically on what the gospel is and how rich and full it is!

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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Jr. High Camp
to Jul 19

Jr. High Camp

  • Laurelville Mennonite Church Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The purpose of this camp is to strengthen the junior-high-aged young people’s foundation in the Word.

Click on image for more details.

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July 4 Picnic

July 4 Picnic

Come join us for an outdoor picnic at 12:30pm for food and fellowship around our Lord Jesus Christ! The church will supply the meats and grills for grilling. Bring your favorite summer picnic side dish and desserts.

Parking Instructions: The church building is directly behind the Willoughby Montessori School, right off of SOM Center, with the parking lot right in between the school and the church building.

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