Week of February 2

Acts — the Continuation of Christ’s Ministry

This week we’ll continue our follow-up to the gospel of Luke by looking at the beginning of the book of Acts to see how Luke continues his writing concerning Christ’s ministry. So far, we’ve seen how Christ, now ascended and invisible to the disciples, is still operating as the Spirit in His believers as His propagation. This week we’ll be reading Acts 3:1–26. Click on the Verses button below to read the verses for this week. Find a great overview by clicking on the Supplemental Material button. Want to dig deeper? Click on the Ways to dig deeper button to explore Christ in a deeper way!

As we spend time digesting this week’s material, be prepared to share what stands out to you with others. What inspired you? Encourage us all by sharing your inspiration on the Lord’s Day or as a comment below, or both!


Week of February 9


Week of January 26