Week of October 8
Lessons from the New Testament Believers in the Book of Revelation
For the month of October, on Saturday evenings the churches in the metro Cleveland area are enjoying some special ministry related to four groups of believers in the Book of Revelation: the great multitude in Revelation 7:9, the man-child in Revelation 12:5, the 144,000 first fruits in Revelation 14:1, and the foundations of the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:14. This week, we’ll review the first message given on Saturday, October 7. The outline for this message is provided below. Verses from each of the four chapters are also available for our digestion!
As we spend time digesting the material this week both together and individually, be prepared to share what stands out to you with others. What inspired you? Encourage us all by sharing your inspiration on the Lord’s Day or as a comment below, or both!