13 Baptisms
On April 16th, we as a church experienced the grace of God among us. A nearby congregation needed a place to baptize 13 dear Christians who meet with them. Some of them have waited years to be baptized, but they had no baptismal pool available to them. Long story, short, through God's arrangement and sovereignty, we offered our baptismal to them. Although the two congregations never met together before, you would never know it.
We stood together as one as each individual committed their life to Jesus and were baptized into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We prayed together, sang together and rejoiced together. After the baptisms, we enjoyed a potluck dinner, and many told "their story" of how the Lord drew them to Himself. Personally, I must say, it was the spiritual highlight of my year (probably the past few years).
Although we were from various backgrounds, there were no barriers between us, just sweet fellowship and oneness, a taste of the New Jerusalem. That evening, we experienced the reality of Psalm 133:1, “How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” This is grace!
-Debbie M.