
I received the Lord at age 11 and from that time on had an unwavering love and desire for the Lord. This preserved me from the pseudo charm of the world and at times caused a deep longing to know Him and pursue Him for the rest of my life!

After finishing college and during my first two years of employment as a social worker in South Bend, Indiana, I began to experience a strong drawing to follow the Lord. Even though I knew the Lord was living in me, there was a deep feeling of emptiness and hunger; a longing to experience the Lord like the early Christians in the book of Acts. I faithfully sat in my pew or directed the singing every Sunday morning. I listened attentively to the message being given. The more I gave myself, the more I had a distinct sensation that the Lord was not in that pew and that He was skipping on the hills calling me to come away with Him like the young hart in the book of Song of Songs.

Shortly thereafter, I was invited to a weekend conference in Akron, Ohio. Some dear brothers and sisters in Christ were having a Memorial weekend gathering to fellowship and to enjoy the Lord. I had sung before. I had fellowshipped before. I had heard messages before. But, this time I had a distinct sensation that Christ was there: smiling, filling, overflowing and satisfying that deep empty spot in my being. I was in the book of Acts! The Lord was so rich to me! I was enjoying the body of Christ! I was home!

I returned to South Bend, gave my two weeks notice and moved to Akron for the church life! Since that time, the Lord has spread the glorious church life to many cities! Today in Willoughby I am experiencing the same joy unspeakable! I feel like the book of Acts is still being expanded! I am being built up with other dear Christians as the body of Christ! The Lord is skipping on the mountains! He is building up His body, the church, and the bride He has longed for and desires to return to! Lord Jesus, have your way on the earth today to gain what You are after!