Who We Are
We are brothers and sisters centered on Christ and the Bible. We stand on the ground that all regenerated Christians are one. For this reason, we take no other name than the church. Our life of pursuing Christ is what we call “the church life.”
Bible studies, game nights, gospel dinners, home groups, etc. We’ve found that Christ-centered gathering together is a real joy! Hope you can join us!
Weekly “Diet”
Just as we need good food for our physical health, the same is true spiritually. The real, spiritual food is Christ! Each day, we can partake of Him in His written and spoken Word. Click below to dive into our weekly, corporate fellowship.
What better way to get to know other believers than through their testimonies? Here we share a few of our experiences of Christ with you. He is living and real to each one of us!
Gospel Tracts
Recently, we were challenged to write a personal tract we could use to speak the good news of Jesus Christ to the people around us. Here are a few; more will be added as we create them.
Songs & Hymns
Put on your headphones and listen to some inspiring songs. The impact that Christ has made on our lives is being expressed in many mediums. Take a listen!